Studio Sale!

Big ol’ studio sale going on right now! I tend to keep my originals close by but I need to free up some space after hoarding all of this work for 20+ years. Some pieces are priced shamefully low and others require a second thought (and a couple more sips of some wine) before you hit that purchase button. But, I mean, can you REALLY put a price on the happiness that a piece of art on your walls bring you every day? And I’m not talking that Bed, Bath & Beyond junk. I’m talking bona fide, one-of-a-kind, capital-A Art! Anyways, there’s a sampling of what’s available below, or you can just hit that SHOP tab up above and peruse the selection from there. Prints and other items are also marked 30% off as well so dig in!

The Shape #1. 9 × 12”. $300

After Hours. 4 × 7”. $75.00

Gene Wilder. 8 × 11”. $100


NY Night Train Presents: Derv Gordon at TV EYE!


Continuing Signs on the Road